Find the best Deal for you

In order to be on the safe side and assure a fair and transparent deal, it is highly recommended to ask for a Business Assessment and Business Valuation Report regarding the sale or acquisition you would intend to do.

If you intend to sell a business, here are some main highlights:

  • Your business is already well known.
  • You have a list of customers and a wide mailing list that has been set up during the time.
  • There are expected future income and cash flow.
  • The Club contains fitness equipment and technological facilities.
  • There is a certain degree of certainty regarding past and present activities.
  • The club enjoys a healthy local reputation.
  • How much is it worth?

If you intend to buy a business, here are some main highlights:

  • Can I make a profit out of this Club?
  • What about local competition?
  • What is the actual state of the building and facilities?
  • Is the expenses format of this Fitness Club actually real? Will it cost me more?
  • How much would I have to invest in the Club beyond acquisition price?
  • Can I introduce some improvements?
  • How long will it take me to recover my investment?
  • Is it worthwhile buying this business? And what should be the appropriate price?

The Business Assessment and Business Valuation Report includes:

  1. Performance Analysis regarding marketing, services, customers retention, financial input of any business units.
  2. Financial parameters and potential growth of income.
  3. Required investments
  4. Financial Plan and Budget for 5 years
  5. Value of the business according to success parameters within the Fitness Industry.

Some Important Tips:

If you wish to sell:

  1. Sometimes even a losing proposition could be a good opportunity to the buyer.
  2. Often, an old business enjoys a higher degree of business certainty than a brand new business.
  3. A high profit making business is worth more money than actually mentioned in its accounts. Risk Reduction has a price.

For the Buyer:

  1. Very often, a business is worth being bought in two situations:
    1. When it is mismanaged and potential remains unfulfilled
    2. When very profitable and perfectly managed.

* A business which is run in a satisfactory way and with an average profit margin is not a platform for significant improvement.

  • Never approach a business refusing to show you all the data you need (when the business owner has something to hide, it’s a red light for the potential buyer).
  • Don’t get impressed from explanations nor rely on any opinion. Check data and decide according to real facts.
  • Never suppose that the seller has mismanaged the business and that you will do much better certainly and easily. It’s a first step to failure.

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