“I’ve never met a successful business with bad staff”.

“The best way to motivate others is to want them to succeed”.

Investment in providing knowledge and training employees at all levels, is a prerequisite for success.

3 basic components required fulfillment of individual potential and business;

  1. Human behavior = responsibility, ethics, communication skill …
  2. Knowledge = about what needs to be done.
  3. Skills = ability to perform, getting things done.

List of seminars and training workshops which helps employees and managers get more knowledge and skills at work, includes more than 20 different themes among them:


Management Seminars

  1. Self-management
  2. Tools for success in Management
  3. Success through Communication
  4. Leadership empowers employees
  5. Building Management methods
  6. Managing for results – tools to achieve goals

Strategy Seminars

  1. Modes of operation strategy
  2. Marketing strategy and brand building
  3. Effective customer service strategy
  4. Competitive strategy and strategic planning


  1. A great marketing in a small budget
  2. Recruiting customers through telemarketing
  3. Effective Advertising – How to write an ad & commercial messages
  4. Advanced Advertising Strategies
  5. Self-marketing (for Personal Trainers)
  6. Planning & managing a Marketing Campaign


  1. Secrets of Sales champions
  2. Internal barriers of salesmen
  3. Overcoming Sales Objections
  4. The new sales market law
  5. Increasing Sale
  6. Managing Sales people
  7. Advanced sales management method (foe Sales Managers)

Customer retention

  1. Advanced Customer Relationship Management
  2. Advanced tools for customer retention
  3. Revive the “dead” – Tools for the return of abandoning customers

Customer Service

  1. Customizing tools – winning customer service
  2. Proper management of service failures
  3. Communication to increase revenues


  1. 7 common mistakes in financial management
  2. Building a simple financial plan and budget for “non accountants”
  3. Correct pricing of new products and services

Selection and Recruitment

  1. With whom do you want to work? – Choosing the right employees
  2. How to recognize outstanding employees in 3 minutes
  3. How to increase employee productivity

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